Understanding Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation
A deliberate and sustained effort to damage and diminish, or outright to eliminate a child’s loving feelings towards a parent.
A severe form of child abuse.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know it is parental alienation?
The Five-Factor Model helps to distinguish parental alienation and parental estrangement.
Is parental alienation child abuse?
Yes, mental health and legal authorities everywhere consider causing severe parental alienation to be a form of child psychological abuse.
What about DSM-5 and parental alienation?
The concept of parental alienation is in DSM-5, but not the actual words.
What about “listen the child”
Severely alienated children do not give reliable explanations of their feelings and opinions.
Is an alienated child mentally kidnapped?
Yes, the alienated child is mentally kidnapped and brainwashed.
How does an alienated child behave?
There are 8 common behavioral symptoms of parental alienation.
What are alienating behaviors?
There are 17 common alienating behaviors.